We are not “anti-medicine”

We had a bit of a small scare this morning. It was enough to warrant a call to the paramedics for them to come check me out and give us direction on whether or not we should go to the hospital. (note: I am A-OK and will see my doctor soon to get throughly checked out)

When the medics asked what medicines I was on, I said none, and my husband showed them all the natural stuff that I use daily.  When they saw all our supplements, homeopathics and essential oils, they kind of raised their eyebrows, and one of them literally asked “so are you all anti-medicine and stuff?” – note, he asked this in a kind tone, not a condescending one. I knew he truly needed to know what he was dealing with to help us get to the root of the matter.  These guys were super nice and helpful and provided a ton of relief in a somewhat stressful situation.

We quickly reassured him that we are not at all anti-medicine. I explained that we fully believe that western medicine is amazing – particularly for emergency care. It absolutely has saved countless lives and I wouldn’t bat an eye at going to the ER (or calling 911!) or visiting my doctor when the situation warranted it.  Doctors and nurses have training and expertise that I don’t pretend to even begin to fathom.

That said, I also don’t think that western medicine is the end all be all. I believe there’s a ton of beneficial information from practitioners around the world, both current and historic. So we proactively use “alternative medicine” to boost our health and especially to deal with minor, acute, everyday issues. I believe that “alternative” medicine is also a wonderful way to treat chronic health issues when standard protocols haven’t provided the desired healing.

That medic’s question got me thinking though.  Why would me taking nutritional supplements (all prescribed by my licensed naturopath and chiropractor – supplements that can only be purchased through trained, knowledgeable doctors, not just over the counter)  to proactively boost my health mean I am “anti-medicine”?  Why would essential oils and homeopathics (both which have been around for centuries, long before pharmaceuticals) generate an eyebrow raise?

Why does being FOR one thing make people assume that you are automatically against another?  I’m for BOTH western and alternative medicine.  I’m for using ALL the wisdom and knowledge available to take care of this temple that God has blessed me with.  I’m for incorporating all modalities that God has provided.  For us, that means MD’s (Medical Degree), DO’s (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine), Chiropractors, Naturopaths, and Homeopaths. It means we utilize healthy nutrition and exercise, alongside medicines, supplements, essential oils, homeopathics, and all sorts of natural treatments from physical therapy to infrared saunas to floating.  Why wouldn’t I use everything available to us?  Why would I shut a blind eye to an option that may very well better my health?

It’s the same with vaccines. Why is it that parents who want more research and safer vaccines are labeled as “anti-vaxxers”?  I’m not anti-vaccinations. I’m pro-parent choice. I’m pro-education. I’m pro-research and pro-understanding of not only all the ingredients but also the industry and the system.  Why is that a bad thing?  Why is it deemed ok for me to spend hours researching the perfect crib for my daughter’s nursery, but I am condemned for wanting to know what is in the injections? Why does society as a whole accept that it’s alright to spend days and weeks planning the perfect one-week vacation, but it’s not ok for me to spend a few days trying to understand why millions (yes millions) are paid out every single year from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program?

So no, I am not anti-medicine. I am not anti-vaxx. I am pro-health. I am for being fully educated about all the resources available to me to keep my family healthy. I am pro-personal empowerment.  I am pro-wisdom. Wisdom on when it’s something you can stay home and treat yourself, wisdom for when it’s time to see a doctor. I am for the freedom to take care of my family as God leads me. I am so very, very thankful that we have so so many trained caretakers is such a huge variety of fields, all full of wisdom and a desire to see us get better.  That doesn’t make me anti-anything.  Well, maybe it does. I guess it makes me anti-closed minded.  That’s one label I’m ok with.

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